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 Books for Adults

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Editorial Reviews


A moving story of loss and recovery and a valuable resource for those in the midst of their own grief journey." -- Kirkus Reviews



Reviewed by Ankita Shukla for Readers' Favorite.  5 STAR review.    "Ellen Krohne, the author, has opened her soul and heart in the memoir, We Lost Her.  I appreciate the author's intention and would recommend this book to people who are either grieving or trying to help someone get over the loss of someone close to them."


Reviewed by Divine Zape for Readers' Favorite 5 STAR review.

"Told in a compelling voice and an inimitable style, We Lost Her by Ellen Krohne is one of those rare books that will resonate with readers who have lost a loved one. The author integrates the themes of death, love, grief, compassion, and family into the narrative in a way that is skillful and masterly. Ellen Krohne has the gift of unveiling the beauty of the human heart -- broken and grieving -- by letting readers understand that grief can be a path through which we allow compassion to enter our lives, a path through which we reconnect with the humanity of our brothers and sisters. This is a rewarding story, laced with wisdom and powerful insights about life, love, and death. A real gift for the grieving heart."


We Lost Her

We Lost Her is a unique book that takes the reader on a real life, intimate journey of grieving children. Seven siblings, ages seven to seventeen at the time of the tragedy in 1970, relate how they each dealt with the news of their mother’s tragic death. The book chronicles their mourning and how grief impacted their lives both then and now. The story is told through the eyes of Ellen, the third oldest sibling and weaves an intimate tapestry of loss, family grief and pain, self-help, growth and learning.


Travel with her as she relates her own and her siblings’ journey as they coped with their mother's tragic loss and father’s struggle to parent them as he grieved. It is a story of loss, hope and renewal of faith and spirituality. A testament to how children can grow stronger through adversity and how a person can influence lives, even after death. Each child dealt with their grief differently, and each child ultimately made it to adulthood stronger individually and as a family, against the odds.


This is the author's first work and one that has been in her heart for many years. She hopes that their journey will help her readers explore their own personal and family grief processes. We Lost Her is a story about grief but more importantly, a story about how grief can spur growth in an individual’s life and the life of a family. The book ends with a chapter of helpful insights and ideas about helping others grow through grief.


If you are grieving, helping others who are grieving, questioning your faith or need a boost of inspiration and determination, We Lost Her is here for you. It is an instructive, honest read for anyone who cares for grieving people.


The author is donating profits from the sale of the book to the not-for-profit organization, Heartlinks Grief Center, a program of Family Hospice based in Belleville, Illinois, that provides grief counseling and services to all in southwestern Illinois. She serves as a volunteer there and on the board of directors.

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Heartbroken - Grief and Hope Inside the Opioid Crisis

by Ellen Krohne with Matthew Ellis, MPE and Diana Cuddeback, LCSW

Heartbroken is a unique blend of the history of opiate addiction in the U.S., the honesty and courage of families affected and strategies to provide healing and hope.

Seven parents share their diverse journeys through the opioid crisis and the traumatic grief of losing a child to drug addiction, in the hope of shining a light into the darkness that can enter any of our families.

And, maybe, just maybe, keep another child and their family from this heartbreak.

Heartbroken: Grief and Hope Inside the Opioid Crisis delivers:

  • The Opioid Crisis:  How opioid use in the U.S. developed into the crisis we know today

  • Addiction:  Seven parents share their intimate stories through addiction and loss

  • Grief:  Techniques to help us support those grieving loss through addiction

  • Hope:  Specific ways we can help to stem the opioid crisis and reduce the stigma of both addiction and addiction loss 

  • Prevention:  What parents, and all of us, need to know about preventing drug misuse


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Heartbroken is now available on and through the Family Hospice of Belleville website.

Reviewed by Rabia Tanveer for Readers' Favorite      5 Star Review

"The authors share techniques that one can use to help and support someone who has lost a loved one to addiction.  They talk about prevention and how just a little bit of hope is enough to help someone out of the crisis."

Reviewed by K. C. Finn for Readers' Favorite      5 Star Review

"Overall, this is an essential book for those who need to learn more about this growing modern crisis."

Reviewed by Judith Rook for Readers' Favorite      5 Star Review

"Heartbroken - Grief and Hope Inside the Opioid Crisis is not a book to be read lightly, but it should be read.  It illuminates one of the greatest negative factors within contemporary Western society and reveals the beginning of a path which our society can follow, which ultimately may lead us out of the opioid crisis."



co-Author's bios


Diana Cuddeback, LCSW is the Founding Director of Heartlinks Grief Center in Belleville, Illinois.  Trained as a family therapist, she holds a Master’s degree in Social Work from the George Warren Brown School of Social Work at Washington University.  Diana has worked in hospice, counseling, and grief therapy since 1991.  Diana started Heartlinks, a program of Family Hospice, in 1997 and, along with the Heartlinks team, has provided innovative programs both within and outside of Heartlinks Grief Center, for diverse populations.

Diana brings extensive trauma-related grief experience, and guides the Addiction Loss Support Group at Heartlinks Grief Center.  Her mission is to create a meaningful community of support for grieving people, filled with learning, activity, fun, and connection. 

Matthew Ellis earned a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Rockhurst University, has a Masters of Psychiatric Epidemiology from Washington University in St. Louis, and is currently a doctoral candidate of Behavioral Science in the College of Public Health and Social Justice at Saint Louis University.  Based in St. Louis, at the Washington University School of Medicine in the Department of Psychiatry, Matthew is an epidemiologist who has worked on the opioid epidemic for over a decade, with an emphasis on transitions to heroin, the impact of abuse-deterrent opioids, and understanding the demand side of opioid use by linking quantitative and qualitative data.


Matthew has published a number of opioid-related research articles and reviews in the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA Psychiatry, and Drug and Alcohol Dependence, among others, and has been featured in media outlets such as VICE and Forbes.

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