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Ellen Krohne

Fresh Lemons
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Welcome to my author website.  I am honored you are visiting here.  If you are a reader already, thank you very much.  If you are new to my work, welcome!  My hope is my books can, in some small way, make a difference in your life. 


A little about me, dear readers:


Yep, I'm a believer - when life gives me lemons, I believe I can make lemonade.  And I believe in the power of positive energy, in being kind to each other, in learning every day, and, of course, the color yellow (read We Lost Her and you'll know why 💛.)


I only intended to write one book, the one I published in 2017 titled, We Lost Her, that tells the journey of my family losing our mom in 1970.  That book had been in my heart for years.  Writing the book was healing for me and my family and it meant a lot to hear from so many of you that were touched by the book; that it helped in your grief journey and your life.  Donating the proceeds to provide funding for Heartlinks Grief Center made my heart happy!


I learned that I loved bringing that story to you.  So, I decided to write and publish another book.  Another that could maybe make a difference in this world, help me and you, dear reader, to learn and to bring kindness to each other.


My second book was not personal to me, but it is to so many in the U.S.  The opioid crisis has taken so many lives - it must stop.  Those that have lost loved ones to addiction often feel stigma even in their grief.  That must stop, too.


For this book, I was blessed  with two co-authors, Matthew Ellis, MPE, who brings expertise in the opioid epidemic and Diana Cuddeback, LCSW, who brings expertise in grief and addiction loss.  I am humbled to tell seven families heartbreaking real life stories of losing their child.  


Heartbroken helped me to learn so much and I hope it will help you, too.


My third book, published in March 2021, was just joyful!  The Secret of a Mommy's Love  was written with my six grandchildren.  When my older grandchildren learned to read, they asked to read my first two books.  I said, "No they are about grief and you need to be a bit older to understand them."  I got to thinking about writing a book that little ones and growing families could enjoy.  The book is illustrated by Martina Terzi, an Italian illustrator currently living in Denmark.


Be Blessed, Ellen

The Secret of a Mommy's Love, We Lost Her and Heartbroken - Grief and Hope Inside the Opioid Crisis are available on at​​


Please enjoy and share the blog I write for Heartlinks Grief Center, Grief Reflections


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2019 Ellen Krohne  Self-created on

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